Print    Created : 31 Jan 2024 Last Update : 31 Jan 2024

I am unsure of the server specification needed for our Perceptor Lifetime installation

It is up to the end user how much space they want to allocate in their server to the Perceptor IoT Lifetime (i.e. On Premise) installation. A consideration is whether that server is also the primary database storage.

Most Perceptor end users start with a 1TB drive on their server but more or less than this may be allocated depending on how much data the database will store; this is linked directly to the amount of labels which will be printed.

As an example, one Perceptor Lifetime end user has used 500GB in storage over 2 years of using Perceptor on a daily basis. 

Our suggested minimum specification for the server is:

  • 32GB RAM
  • 2 x 1TB SSD RAID1
  • 2.4GHz processor Intel Xeon or equivalent
  • MSSQL 2019 or 2022
