Print    Created : 13 Nov 2023 Last Update : 15 Nov 2023

TSC Printronix T8000 tip for changing/loading configuration

The following instructions are to configure your T8000 to a pre-existing configuration in your organisation. 

TSC Printronix T8000 control panel image with text guidance for screen elements

The pertinent guidance notes included in the image above are:

Control Panel

The control panel is located in the front of the printer and includes a Status LED array, QVGA color display, PAUSE key, FEED key, LEFT SOFT key, and navigation keys (buttons) with the ENTER button in the center.

  • Status LED is indicated at the top of the control panel.
  • PAUSE key is indicated at the top left of the control panel.
  • FEED key is indicated at the top right of the control panel.
  • LEFT SOFT key is indicated at the bottom left of the control panel.
  • RIGHT SOFT key is indicated at the bottom right of the control panel.
  • Navigation/ENTER is indicated at the centre of the bottom of the control panel.

The QVGA (quarter VGA) screen is a 320 c 240 pixel color display (non-touch). It is comprised of a Header that shows the printer state and location with the User Interface (UI), the general display area, and a footer used to show the purpose of the LEFT and RIGHT SOFT keys (when available).

  • Take the printer OFFLINE by pressing the PAUSE key.
  • SETTINGS is highlighted.

Home offline screen with settings highlighted in green

  • UNLOCK the ENTER key by pressing the UP & DOWN arrows together and then releasing.
    • The display will flash ‘Enter Key Unlocked’
  • Press the ENTER key.
  • The screen below will display.
  • With Quick Setup highlighted, press the Enter key.

Settings screen with Quick Setup highlighted in green

  • Using the arrow keys, move to the CONFIGS menu and press ENTER.
  • Go to LOAD CONFIG and press ENTER.
  • Use the ARROW keys to highlight the desired configuration and press ENTER.
  • Put the printer back ON LINE by pressing PAUSE.
  • Press ENTER if asked to SAVE the settings.
  • When the printer comes back ON LINE, the configuration name will display in the lower portion of the operator panel.
    • In this example the configuration is ‘Warehouse’
  • The POWER UP configuration can also be set/changed in the same menu.

Wired Ethernet screen displaying Warehouse as the Config selected
