Print    Created : 03 Jul 2024 Last Update : 03 Jul 2024

ODV camera releases

Releases for the ODV-2D (v2) and the ODV-2e (v3) cameras

Please check with your TSC Printronix account manager or reseller for new releases for either the ODV-2D (v2) and the ODV-2e (v3).

NB The ODV upgrade release should be installed BEFORE any Printronix printer firmware upgrades.

The following ODV releases are from March 2024.

P301860 (old ODV, APP)

FILE, PRGM, ODV2, SD CARD                  V1.32N  P301859

FILE, PRGM, ODV2, APP                            V1.32N  P301860


P301858 (new ODV, APP)

FILE, PRGM, ODV2e, SD CARD                V2.03F  P301857

FILE, PRGM, ODV2e, APP                            V2.03F  P301858