Print    Created : 26 Apr 2024 Last Update : 26 May 2024

Label Guide Plate redesign April 2024

Label Guide Plate redesign April 2024 - replacement instructions

The new Label Guide Plate replaces the existing plate below the camera in the camera assembly.

1. Remove the 2 x Pozi self-tapping screws on the right hand face of the camera assembly unit.  These hold the plate on place.

2. Once the 2 x Pozi self-tapping screws are removed, the right hand side of the plate slides down and off the cable.

3. The male slot on the opposite end of the guide plate will release can be removed from the slot in the camera assembly unit.

4. The old plate can be removed from the camera assembly and the camera is exposed.

The new plate is replaced by following these steps in reverse ensuring the camera cable is located in the U-slot on the end of the guide plate.

Note: the correct orientation of the plate is with the flat face facing the camera i.e. upwards.