Print    Created : 08 Jan 2024 Last Update : 07 Jun 2024

Firmware upgrade for Zebra ZT600 series printers

Zebra printer firmware upgrade instructions & ZDownloader details

Licensed Content Management

1. Overview

1.1. ZDownloader

ZDownloader is a tool offered by Zebra Technologies to simplify updating Zebra printer firmware, enabling ZBI on ZBI 2.0 capable printers and managing licensed content provided by Zebra Technologies Development Services group.

This application supports Zebra printers connected by Serial, Parallel, USB and IP Ethernet network.
ZDownloader is supported on 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 operating systems.

1.2. Kits
Licensed content, referred to as ‘Kits’, are provided by Zebra Technologies for content that may require tracking or regulation such as licensed fonts. Kits use the file extension .dss.

1.3. Keys
A key must be obtained from Zebra Development Services. The key will be numeric and follow the format of:

2. Key Activation

2.1. Select ZPoints > Launch License Manager

2.2. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet at this time.

2.3. Type a license key into the Key: field. This key must have been provided by Zebra Development Services. It will be in the format of numeric characters:3467XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

2.4. Click ACTIVATE.

2.5. You will receive a message saying the activation was successful.

2.6. Close the Key Manager program. You may disconnect your computer from the internet at this time.

2.7. Click ZPoints > View Remaining ZPoints from the menu to make sure the remaining points are correct.

3. Download Licensed Kits to Printer(s)

3.1. Configure your printers now if you haven’t done so yet.

3.2. Press the Select Kit toolbar button or select the Printer > Select Kit File… menu option. Select the licensed content kit. It will have a .dss file extension. This file may be downloaded from the Zebra website or received from your Zebra Account Manager.

3.3. Select Download to Selected.

3.4. Wait a minute for it to send the data.

3.5. If sending firmware, you may have to wait another minute after sending the kit for the printer to fully load. Wait until the printer’s LED light remains green for more than 5 seconds or the primary menu is being shown on the LCD screen before using.

3.6. You can repeat the above steps until you run out of key uses, or are done with the printers.

3.7. Close the program.

3.8. Verify the kit has been loaded on the printers.